
Ram Navmi


Happy Birthday Lord Rama

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Happy Ram Navmi!

Apologize for late posting of this article (especially for readers of Asia and near by time-zones).

It’s birthday of Lord Rama. Very important day for all the followers and fans of Lord Rama.

Practice this on regular basis and you will find noticible changes in your daily routines as well as in your work life.

Your experience is priceless and sharing always increases the knowledge. Do Not Forget To Share Your Experience.

All the details of this meditation is available on following link:

May Lord Rama bless you all for your good wishes and will help you find answers of your difficult questions.

Very very happy birthday to our beloved Lord Rama.

May god bless you all.

Have a very beautiful, loving, properous time ahead forever.

Thank you all.

Ganesh Chaturthi


Ganesh Chaturthi

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Loudly and with full happiness repeat this: “Ganpati Bapa Moriya!”

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! Great god Ganesh will arrive at my place on this coming Monday i.e. 9th September 2013. He will stay for 10 days. Once again all friends, relatives and neighbours will get together at my place to spend good time with this wonderful guest. For those who cannot visit my place, you all can join us spiritually in all prayers and chanting.

A golden opportunity to make your wish come true. Whisper your wish into the ears of Lord Ganesh.

Technique is as follows:

> Offer his favourite food item “Modak” or any other foms of Laddu (sweet balls). If you cannot get it, there is another way to prepare laddu at home with three things only. Take Regular Indian Chapati (Roti), jaggery and ghee.
Crush chapati with hands as fine as possible (not like fine powder) and jaggery. Mix crushed chapati, jaggery and ghee very nicely and prepare balls of it.

> Flowers of his favourite color “Red”.

> Dhruva or Durva Grass is another most favourite thing to offer. Bermuda or Bahama Grass in English.

> Sanku Pushpam or Conch flower both flower and leaf is offered.

> Use Red Sandalwood paste on his forehead “Tilak”.
If you want to do the Puja at your premises:

> First clean the house and take a bath.
> A Clay image of Lord Ganesh is installed in a raised platform.
> Pray to Lord Ganesh and you can recite mantras or bhajans dedicated to Lord Ganesh.
> Next step is to invoke Ganesh into the image. This is known as pran-prathishta. The Pran Prathista mantra (Invocation) in Sanskrit is found in the Rig Veda and is part of Ganesh Suktha.


Invocation in Sanskrit: (Sorry if there is any mistake in sanskrit invocation)

ganananh tva ganapatim havamahe kavim kavinam – upamashravastamam |
jyeshhtharajam brahmanan.h brahmanaspata A nah shrivnvannutibhih sida sadanam || (Rig Veda 2.23.1)

ni shhu sida ganapate ganeshhu tvamahurvipratamam kavinam |
na rite tvat.h kriyate kinchanare mahamarkam maghavan.h chitramarcha || (Rig Veda 10.112.9)


Invocation in English:

We invoke You, O Ganapati of the ganas (Lord Shiva attendants), Who are Brahmana-spati of the brahmas (prayers), the wisest among the wise, Who abound in treasure beyond all measure, the most brilliant one. Do listen to our prayers, come with Your blessings and assurances of protection into our home, and be seated. (Rig Veda 2.23.1)

Sit down among the worshippers, O Ganapati, the best sage among the sages. Without You nothing can be done here or far. Accept with honour, O wealthy One, our great and variegated hymns of praise. (Rig Veda 10.112.9)


After this, pray to god ganesh – Oh Lord Ganesh, Oh Ganpati Bapa, I have tried my best to do all this process and offerings. Please forgive me if there is any mistake done while doing this religious work. Please stay with me and my family and bless us with your divine love, light, power, health, knowledge, happiness, prosperity, wisdom. We all thank you for your priceless blessings. Thank you in full faith.


Ganesh Puja is bit flexible, our beloved god ganesh generally don’t get upset if a person does any mistake. In fact, god ganesh guides that person and makes him work as god ganesh wants. So don’t worry while doing puja. Just keep your mind and body and place as clean as possible, all the rest will be managed by God Ganesh himself.

Oh Ganpati Bapa, please shower your blessings on all of us and protect us from any evils of life. Thank you so much and we love you forever. Thank you.

Loudly and with full happiness repeat this: “Ganpati Bapa Moriya!”

Make Others Smile

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In routine life, I wake up in the morning with certain thoughts in my mind… wait, wait, wait, it is just so boring to go through same old lines which we read in many books often. How about starting it with last evening or night and then reach towards the morning scene, huh! Sounds good!? Ok, rewind, rewind, rewind, last night I was with my friends/relatives/office meeting/day out/out of town/at home, it can be anything. I reached home and got freshen up, was ready for the lovely bed (not all have that lovely bed, but it’s a bed for sure), had a glass of water and switched off the lights, while thinking about so many things, I went off to sleep. Next morning, I wake up (while reading ahead, you should not expect anything…) with a lovely smile and hope which I guess was not there yesterday till I went off to sleep. I started my routines and ready to go to work/school/site seeing… etc… etc…, now here comes the interesting part, I started my routines and ready to go out and what I saw is – “It is all same, nothing new”. It is the moment when you really wanted to feel and think – “Every day is exactly the same”, am I right? Yes, I am. – It’s not just about me, it can also be your story.

Here I would like to drag your attention towards this beautiful song with very realistic lyrics presented by a band “Nine Inch Nails” and the song name is … yes you are right, it’s “Every day is exactly the same”. For Hollywood movie lovers while listening to this song might feel like where I have heard this song? Well, it was used as a movie soundtrack in the movie called – “Wanted”. Still confused? It was used for the hero of the movie who is very frustrated with his life, no money, ugly stupid annoying lady boss always finds him guilty and lazy and always shouts on him, as shown in the movie, next day again when the hero goes to ATM (Any Time Money) machine he finds his account empty and gets upset and start moving towards the office. If you still can’t recall, I will suggest you to watch the movie.

Here is the video, try to listen and feel each and every word of the song and am sure you will feel like – “Oh no! Some way or the other, even I sometimes behave like the character in the song”. If I am not wrong, the counter might reach to around 60-70% of people who have adopted such life styles.

Alright! Alright! I know my readers; stop reading further if you have not watched the video, go for it before you continue.

Really sorry for that video, I never ever wanted such video on here but it was necessary to show you the mirror. So anyways, how was it? Shocked, shivered or at least felt odd, do not worry.

Have you ever thought of spreading happiness to people around you, even strangers and I am sure your answer will – “Yes, I did this, I do that, I always take care” but I think you are not doing it satisfactorily as it is next to impossible if you are not under pressure to do that to stay connected with those people. Think about strangers you come across every day, can you do the same thing for them, do you really care for the person walking next to you on the street, no need to reply as you know the answers. How about putting a smile on those people you never know, you never met. In the previous post named – “Blessing Power”, I have mentioned – Almost people of all cultures believe that – “As you SOW so shall you REAP: Life is like a boomerang. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later much more than we sow”, it applies here also. You make someone smile and one day you will have hundreds of people to make you smile.

What I am trying to say is, if you will try to help others in any form, you will receive the same many many times. I have planned something for all of us, every week I will give you a new idea to make others happy, we will follow that idea whole week. I would like to receive your comments, your feelings and your experiences while practicing the idea so that every week readers will have fun and have interesting things to learn and follow the new idea for the next week.

This is really interesting and fun, once you start doing it, it will be like… “My goodness, it’s awesome, I never felt such happiness before”, so I think you ready to feel the divine happiness and peace, right? Ok let’s go for it.


Week – 1

Call an old friend (not in regular contact), just to say hi.


Week – 2

Hold a door open for a stranger.


Week – 3

Compliment someone on his or her appearance.


Week – 4

Bring cookies to work.


Week – 5

Invite someone to lunch.


Week – 6

Let someone cut in during rush hour traffic.


Week – 7

Ask a coworker for their opinion on a project.


Week – 8

Leave a waitress or waiter a big tip.


Week – 9

Tell a cashier to have a nice day.


Week – 10

Call your parents.


Week – 11

Let someone know you miss them.


Week – 12

Treat someone to a movie.


Week – 13

Let a person know you really appreciate them.


Week – 14

Visit a retirement center.


Week – 15

Fill up your spouse’s car with gas.


Week – 16

Surprise someone with a small gift.
